About Us

H.M. metallic is one of the leading Metallic Yarn Manufacturing Company based in Surat, India. Also, H.M. Metallic is a division of Shreeji Group. Our company has specialised in Metallic yarn production for over numerous years and keeps on having a sharp spotlight on excellence in R&D, Manufacturing, processing, supplying and service of our products. We also introduce as one of the biggest companies which contributes towards customer service by providing rich quality Metallic yarn to our clients, which helped us naturally in gaining their trust and satisfaction. 

At H.M. Metallic, we produce quality Metallic yarn such as M-type, MX-type, MH-type, MHS-type, ST-type, Kasab jari, Lacquered Coated Film, etc. Around the world, metallic yarn is known by a variety of names, including Jari (Zari) in India, Lurex & Tilla in Pakistan, Sim yarn in Turkey, and Jori in Bangladesh. To manufacture these products, with a team of highly qualified workforce and global standard machines, we manufacture all these products with exact measurements, extraordinary strength and best quality that makes us one stride ahead from different companies in this industry. Also, personal commitment, reliability, loyalty, and dutifulness are essential values for us.

We H.M. metallic, have been a firm believer in maintaining the optimum balance between technological innovation and environmental preservation. With a state of the fast service and consistent market analysis, we proudly hold the privilege of being the maintained our position in this competitive market. Additionally, our integrated business approach to customers and speedy service in all business transaction make us the greatest of the industry. Today, our monthly production for metallic yarn is more than 100 tons. In short gap of time, we became the biggest player of the domestic market and now exporting too many countries.

”H.M. is the well-known name for Metallic yarn in domestic and overseas market.

Looking for Variety of Yarn Textile ProductsSuperior Quality?

H.M Metallic

M Type Metallic Yarn

MX Type Metallic Yarn

MH type Metallic Yarn

MHS Type Metallic Yarn

ST Type Metallic Yarn

Flora Zari (Kasab Jari)

Lacquered Coated Film

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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