About Us

Shreeji Industries is a division of the Surat, India-based Shreeji Group. Also, it is one of the top manufacturers, traders, suppliers, and exporters of various types of yarns such as Monofilament yarn, Leno yarn, Dyed yarn, Kota yarn, and Polyester yarn, etc. 

On our premises, we have built an advanced infrastructure facility. Our facility is fully equipped with modern machines and tools to manufacture our offered product line in accordance with industry defined norms and standards. We have assembled a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals to oversee all aspects of our business operations. We were able to meet our predetermined goals thanks to the constant support and dedicated efforts of our team members.

Looking for Variety of Yarn Textile ProductsExport Support?

Our Products

Monofilament Yarn

Leno Yarn

Colour Yarn

Kota Yarn

Polyester Yarn

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

