Monofilament Yarn

Mono Filament Yarn can be made by direct spinning or by splitting Mother Yarn. Because of its good resistance to fuel and chemicals this type of monofilaments is widely used in the production of filter fabrics for automotive use. A polyester filament yarn is used in knitting and weaving to make design on dresses and home-textiles and making of webbings.

Shreeji Industries manufactures monofilament yarn in India and exports to many nations throughout the world, generating a need for quality products in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Also, monofilament yarn available in both material Polyester and Nylon.

Technical Specifications

DenierNo. of FilamentLuster
201SD, BR, TBR, Dope Dyed
301SD, BR, TBR, Dope Dyed
401SD, BR, TBR, Dope Dyed
501SD, BR, TBR, Dope Dyed


  • Circular knitting
  • Warp Knitting
  • Weaving
  • Narrow Fabrics
  • Twisting
  • Yarn Dyeing
  • MX metallic yarn
  • Industrial uses

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